A step by step video on how I painted Judgements of Khorne for table top use! Model – Judgements of Khorne Paints used – Citadel Full colour list available in the video
A step by step video on how I painted a Herdstone for table top use! Model – Beasts of Chaos Herdstone Paints used – Scale Colour 75, P3, Citadel, Vallejo Full colour list available in the video
Hey everyone heres the next installment of the Cave Shaman. Its a shorter video just focusing on the mushroom hat and the brain Squig. The rest of this series will be shorter videos that focus on specific parts of the… Continue reading →
So I tried something new in this video and I need your feedback! Do you like this style of recording where I’m talking alot more, longer videos, less edits and quicker video uploads. Doing it this way means I can… Continue reading →
So here is the first part of the Knight-Incantor. The video focuses on the orange armour and blocking in the base colours for the second part of the video. I’m away running the FaceHammer Grand Tournament this weekend so part… Continue reading →
So heres the final part of the Tidecaster. This video covers her skin, gems, base and the fish/shark that’s along side her. I’ll go into more detail on how I did the coral and non metallic metals (nmm) when I… Continue reading →
So part 2 of the Tidecaster is here! This video shows how I painted the armour, legs and boots. Sorry for the delay, the weather has been super hot here, meaning I need a fan on to work indoors, unfortunately… Continue reading →
I have uploaded parts 1 & 2 of my “How to Paint: Sylvaneth Treelord Ancient Video Tutorial” to my YouTube channel. Both parts are in this handy playlist, your feedback and comments are much appreciated! How to Paint: Sylvaneth Treelord… Continue reading →
Updates on the Lord of Change! So this project is taking a massive amount of time! The model is huge, the level of detail is outstanding and the textures available to work with are great for showing off various painting… Continue reading →
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